Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Scattagories Entries!

Last night on the Facebook page, I started a Scattergories game. This Holiday theme game was a lot of fun to come up and the answers I received were so funny!!! Our letter was V and I didnt think it could be done, but 3 of you surprised me!!! Here are the catergories!

1. Name a Celebrity that make Santa's Naughty List in 2011
2. Name a Shade Of Red
3. Name a Shade of Green
4. Name something you would find in Santas House
5. Name a Holiday
6. Name a Type of Transportation Santa might use if the reindeer were sick
7. Name something Santa eats for Dinner
8. Name Something the Rhymes with a Reindeer's Name
9. Name Something you put Christmas Lights on
10 Name something on your Wishlist

With 9 points - Our winner is Amanda Haroldson!!!!
1. Vanessa Hudgens
2. Velvet
3. Verde
4. Violin
5. Veteran's Day - No Pts
6. Volvo
7. Vension!!!! *<----- Bad Santa!!!! LMFAO*
8. Voner
9. Van
10. Vera Wang

Tied in Second with 8 points each - Susan Roberts & Desi Morris

Susan's Words ************** Desi's Words
1. Vladimir Putin   *******         1. Valerie Bertonilli
2. Violet                 *******         2. Venitian Red
3. Verdigris            *******         3. Virdian
4. Vixen                 *******         4. Vice Grips
5. Veterans Day      No Pts           5. Veterans Day
6. Volkswagon      *******         6. Vakhmistrov Zueno ( Mother Ship) *LOL*
7. Veal                   *******         7. Vegemit - *EWWWWWWW*
8. Vomit                 Not Pts          8. Vomit  * HAHA GOOD ONE!!!*
9.Valence              *******         9. Vynil Siding
10. Vacation 2 Hawaii  ***        10. Vancover Trip

I wanted to have some fun too so me and my kids came up with our own words today!!

1. Val Kilmer
2. Violet Red
3. Vert
4. Voltron toy
5. Valentines Day * Surprised this one wasnt said as its Susan's Birthday!!!*
6. Venture - Chevy vehicle
7. Vegetables!
8. Vapid
9. Vacation Home
10. Vodka!!!!

I just wanted to thank everyone for playing along!! Let me know how you enjoyed it! I have another set of catergories already made up so be on the lookout for round two!!!!

Amanda's prize has already shipped!
Pick up your own mark. Totally Balmed SPF 15 Tinted Lip Balm at my Eboutique!!

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