Do you realize there are only 33 days left till Christmas!!!!!
I know its not even thanksgiving yet, but I wanted to do this early enough that you will recieve your products before christmas so you can get them as gifts! I have 12 great specials, one will be released each day till Dec 2nd!
So, how will this work?! You know the song
"On the first day of christmas, my true love gave to me......"
Each day I will give you part of the song, all you have to do is visit my Eboutique and figure out what product I have in mind! Then comment your answer and all correct answers will be entered for 1 Beauty Buck! The drawing will take place at 6pm each night so be sure you get your answer in before then! Afterwards the special will be revealed and these prices will be valid untill Dec 4th!
Lets start with day 1!
Visit the Eboutique, browse the products to figure out what product, OR set of products, go along with
"A partridge in a pear tree"
Post your answers on my Facebook page * I will make a post with the clue for you to comment on*
Be sure to get your answer in by 6pm CST when I will draw a winner for the day and give you the special price!
Sound easy enough right!?!!
WAIT!!! There's more! I also have games planned throughout the special!! You could earn some more Beauty Bucks, Free Shipping, Freebies or % off your purchases!!
Along with the daily challenge and nightly games, I have a 14 day challenge for you!
Invite your friends to join the fun!
Have them come post on my wall that YOU sent them.
Posting in groups or fan pages is fine!!!
The person that has sent the MOST new fans to my page will take home a FULL HOOKUP!! Thats a value of $12.50!!
You will have untill Dec 4th to send your friends!
Good Luck and Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!