What are Beauty Bucks?
Beauty Bucks is credit to my Eboutique!
I will be doing games on Facebook giving YOU the chance
to earn Beauty Bucks! I will do games like Bingo, Trivia, or Scavenger Hunts!
There will also be a Purchase Bonus!
Spend $10 get 1 Beauty Buck
Spend $20 get 2 Beauty Bucks
Spend $30 get 4 Beauty Bucks
Spend $40 get 5 Beauty Bucks
Spend $50 get 6 Beauty Bucks
Spend $60 get 9 Beauty Bucks
Spend $70 get 10 Beauty Bucks
Spend $80 get 11 Beauty Bucks
Spend $90 get 12 Beauty Bucks
Spend $100 get 15 Beauty Bucks!
Beauty Bucks can only be used thru me and MUST be used within the magalog that you earn them! Only exception will be the Purchase Bonus, if you buy something the last week of the magalog, It will carry over to the next magalog.
Example of earning and using your Bucks:
Tonight is Trivia Tuesday!
The winner will receive 5 Beauty Bucks and will have untill 8/11 to use them.
After that you lose them :(
Example of Purchase Bonus :
You make a purchase on 8/9 of $80
Magalog switches over on 8/12
You will have 10 Beauty Bucks to use by the following magalog that ends on 9/8
After that you would lose them :(
Beauty Bucks cannot be used with other promos unless noted otherwise.
And you wont earn Beauty Bucks on purchases you use Beauty Bucks on.
Example :
Back To School Bash (ended 8/1)
You cannot use your Beauty Bucks to buy items in this special
Example 2:
You place an order for $75
You have earned 9 Beauty Bucks
You use your Beauty Bucks and Purchase an item for $10
You will not gain the 1 Beauty Buck for that purchase.
I will keep track of your earned Beauty Bucks below and HERE .
I will list your Name, Amount of Beauty Bucks, and your use by date!
i.e. Samantha J. has 3 Beauty Bucks to use by 8/11
Shop Here
Love and Lipgloss,

Michelle M. Cervantes has 5 Beauty Bucks to use! <--- 500th fan
Nicole Smith has 3 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - Monday Mixup * Credited Below*
Nadia Anderson has 5 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - Monday Mixup **USED**
Katie Bailey has 2 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - Monday Mixup * Credited Below*
Nina Mackrain has 5 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - Stumbler Giveaway FB **USED**
Nicole Stiers has 1 Beauty Buck to use by 9/8 - $10 purchase * Credited Below*
Claudette Lariviere has 5 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - Blog follower **USED**
Rachel Allred has 5 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - 1000 fan giveaway winner **USED**
Crystal Bass has 4 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8 - 1000 fan giveaway 2nd place Extended 10/6
Elizabeth Webb has 3 Beauty Bucks to use by 9/8- 1000 fan giveaway 3rd place Extended 10/6
Nicole Smith has 5 Beauty Bucks to use by 10/6 - Blog Follower **USED**
Brittany Riley has 4 Beauty Bucks to use by 10/6 - Bingo Winner
Kristy Bodle has 4 Beauty Bucks to use by 10/6 - Bingo Winner
Karen West Tillquist has 5 Beauty Bucks to use by Jan! - Fan of the week winner!
And since its the giving time of the year, I will reinstate all expired NON-Used Beauty Bucks!!!
Nicole Smith has 6 Beauty Bucks again!
Katie Bailey has 2 Beauty Bucks again!
Nicole Stiers has 1 Beauty Buck again!
Tami Sansbury Has 3 Beauty Bucks